Articles Please feel free to download any of the material listed below. All documents are formatted with Adobes Acrobat Reader PDF coding. You may download the free reader by clicking on the icon. The Fossil Record of Early Man: What does the Scientific Literature Reveal? This is a 26 page article that shows how the fossil record of early man supports creation and not evolution. Many journal articles from classic evolutionary scientific journals show that the fossil record of early man has been misinterpreted. These are the contents of the Seminar Binder with the same name. Noah's Ark Early Man Seminar Works Cited This is a 111 page document that contains hundreds of quotes from various scientific journal articles, magazines, and books. The vast majority are from evolutionary sources. These quotes show that many of the evolutionary and geologic assumptions are not correct. They also reveal that creation is a better answer to the question of humanity's origins. Answers to some of the most commonly asked seminar questions. These questions deal with dinosaurs, angels, extraterrestrial life, flood mechanics and other Biblical and scientific topics. The following articles are published by the United Church of God. They deal with the subject of the Genesis flood, Noah's ark, evolution, creation, and catastrophism. Creation or Evolution Does it Really Matter What You Believe? Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? Good News Magazine Jan.-Feb. 2003 The Jan-Feb. 2003 issue contains articles on past catastrophic events that affected the Earth. Good News Magazine July-Aug. 2003 The July-Aug. 2003 issue contains several articles about Noah's Ark and the Genesis Flood written by the author. The Good News Magazine is the flagship publication of the United Church of God. A subscription is available free of charge. Seminar Posters
On display at the Noah's Ark and Early Man Seminars
are four posters that deal with creation and evolutionary concepts. These
four posters
have 3 panels each and present a large amount of information in a visual manner.
By clicking on the information below the poster information can be accessed.
The poster format is simple; there is usually a photograph accompanied by some
text. As you view the information please be aware that you must
view the text with the picture to gain the full impact. Please view them
together. The Genesis Flood and Early Man The Genesis Flood and the Geologic Record Survival of the (Fittest?) Fakest The Fossil Record and Early Man