Noah's Ark Articles The articles in this section deal with the Genesis Flood and its effects on humanity and the geologic surface of the earth. Articles deal with rapid sedimentation, the longevity of the patriarchs, radiometric dating, and other events that support the veracity of the flood account. Factors Affecting the Fluctuations of Carbon-14 Dating Genesis Flood--Catastrophic Themes in the Bible and Science Gopherwood and the Construction of the Ark Is There a Gap Between Genesis One Verse 1 and 2 Longevity and the Exponential Decay Curve Mount St. Helens--Seven Wonders Mount St. Helens and Rapid Sedimentation Radiometric Dating is it Reliable Scientific Evidence for Biblical Longevity Size of the Ark (Noah's Ark Seminar Handout) Works by Arthur Custance-Genesis 1:1-2