Early Man Seminar Photos Photos courtesy of Victor Kubik This Early Man Seminar was conducted in Terre Haute, IN. The use of a large assortment of display items helps the congregation to understand the main concepts and implications of the material being presented. Other items include fossil crania (casts) and poster displays. A large writing pad is also used to help illustrate important details.
This poster deals with the subject of The Genesis Flood and the Geologic Record. It examines the geologic evidence for the flood and its effects on early man. Displayed on the table is a cast of the famous KNM-ER 1470 crania along with sedimentary rock specimens and fossil mollusk. Handouts are used to reinforce key points. All of this material shows that the scientific evidence for creation far outweighs evolution. Two cranial casts are displayed. The one on the left is a cast of a modern Homo sapien, the one on the right is a replica of a Neanderthal skull. These are used to show that the neanderthals are simply a variation of modern humans. The crania of both show that neanderthals were simply powerful, robust, and culturally advanced members of the human family. Along with the cranial cast are displayed literature and pictures.
Some of the guests and visitors that attended the seminar. Usually the hosting congregation will have an increase in attendance. Visitors often attend from various Church of God affiliations. |