Seminar Info







Noah's Ark Seminar Photos

Photos courtesy of Victor Kubik

Arnold and Janie Mendez with Victor Kubik (r-l).  Mr. Kubik is the pastor of the Terre Haute and Lafayette, IN United Church of God Congregations.  His congregation has hosted both the Noah's Ark and Early Man Seminar.  His recent article in the United Church of God's United News Newsletter detailed a Noah's Ark Seminar presentation and His Pastor's Newsletter detailed a recent Early Man Seminar presentation.

Fossil cast of the crania of Neanderthal Man.  Neanderthal people were very powerful and had robust skeletons.  There skeletal feature indicate that they were long-lived and led very dynamic lives.  Many of them have been found buried in caves in agreement with the scriptural burial practices as described in the book of Genesis.

A 1/32 scale model of the cross-section of Noah's Ark.  This model reveals the decking and the interior structural construction of the ark.  The model contains scale replicas of many different air breathing land living mammals.  This model helps convey the understanding of the large size and the carrying capacity of the ark.

A full length 1/75 scale model of the ark.  This model is six feet long.  Notice the scale model of the Columbus ship Pinta and the 44 foot long railroad stock car (sitting on the top of the ark).  These models all to the same scale reveal the massive size of the ark.

A 1/12 scale model of a caging system.  This caging system was based on self-watering, self-feeding, and self-cleaning technologies. Animals contained in this type of caging system would have required little care once loaded onto the ark.

The Genesis Flood and Early Man Poster showing the effects that the global flood would have on humans.  The earth was destroyed along with humanity.  The post flood world had differing climates, atmospheric content, air pressure, oxygen levels.  These principles are clearly demonstrated with the help of visual aids.




Seminar participants examine various displayed material.  In the center picture scriptures are used to tie together relevant seminar ideas.  Scripture and science are joined through the use of displays and biblical exegesis.

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